Hey I seen someone saying black on black crime is a myth could you respond to this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o_S6PSCwo3c

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Okay, I’ll finish my response to the video.

4) lol this video has gotta be satire right??? “A cop can go into a suburb and kill an unarmed white person and they’ll be held accountable for it” Cops kill unarmed whites all the time and nothing happens to them except maybe a paid vacation for a couple months. This guy is completely detached from reality.

5) he complains people keep bringing it up bc it’s “bullshit” but none of his video actually proves that.

I’ll discuss this issue and surrounding context much more in depth in the future, so stay tuned

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Hey thanks for commenting man. I’m happy to respond. Honestly, this could be its own post, which I will probably develop from this comment. But to respond that video briefly:

1) his first point that “whites also kill whites” is false equivalence. The overall black violent crime rate is higher than the white violent crime rate, and the stats he cites himself show that 93% of black people are killed by other blacks while only 83% of whites killed are by other whites… this guy doesn’t understand per capita. He’s also just wrong in saying “more black people are dying.” There is a greater proportion of whites killed than blacks killed—this is even true with deaths by police both in terms of raw number and when compared to the overall crime rates of whites and blacks.

2)”police bad” this guy was probably in some cringe post grad program where he was getting force-fed all the predictive programming for “abolishing the police.” Spoiler alert for this idiot, but most black communities now have predominantly black law enforcement. And oftentimes they’ll shoot a brotha acting up quicker than officer whitey will!!

Also this idiot counter-signals Guiliani’s NYPD but we have 9 years of NYC becoming a shit hole crime den again to speak for itself. Broken windows and stop and frisk policing WORKS. Stacey doesn’t want to walk home from the club, and she doesn’t want to take the metro when the subway has literal rabid fent zombies on it. So Stacey leaves. “Trust of the community” is a more valid concept BUT the conversation around it is retarded and unproductive.

3) there’s validity to the fact that cops killing unarmed civilians is bad. However, again, more unarmed whites are killed by police than unarmed blacks and its disproportionate to actual crime rates as well.

I have to go, but I’ll address the other two points later.

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What is your opinion on the video do you have any objections to it can you respond to it

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Excellent. You’ve read Mel Bradford? Or Wilmore Kendall?

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Thank you! Yes, Bradford and Kendall are two of our best. I do need to read more of them, though.

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Interesting, I’m gonna have to digest this more.

I think the title is misleading though. It should read that the “Right needs to confront the 1619 project”.

It isn’t that we need to agree with everything it says, as you highlight in the article. But we need to challenge it on its terms of racism instead of fabricating this shitty 1776 CivNat mythos where race doesn’t exist.

That said, I think I am permanently trapped in understanding the disaster of multiculturalism, while similarly understanding that the ability to 180 its effects is nearly impossible without extreme policies that would take decades to implement effectively. I’m more interested in making an American nation that is not colorblind, but has a people that understands how to negotiate having a plural racial makeup.

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If you're so superior, why are you poor?

Also, prove that you're white, because I'm a gambling man and I'm betting my right leg that you're a brown-as-shit Colombian.

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Lol that was an odd article honestly. Very radical centrist in a very lame way. Their comparison of wokeism to historical Christianity is cherry picked, and their smug statistical analysis takes several things for granted, including the presumption that people report crime at the same rate when there is less police and more crime. They don’t. People become demoralized and then the crime stats are heavily skewed.

Are you the author of the history for atheists blog? Those two articles are really interesting, and the project as a whole looks to be as well. I appreciate your comments! Thanks for reading

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No the author is from Australian guy named Tim O'Neill

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The guy when I pointed this out to him and showed him these two articles here's what he said Here's what the source you provide says: "Among the rash of laws passed in the first decade of Justinian’s reign was a decree that pagans were not allowed to teach students." The article never disproves this fact, but attempts to explain it away with excuses, what-aboutisms, and distractions. What is your contention? That Christianity allowed pagans to teach?Here's what the source you provide says: "Among the rash of laws passed in the first decade of Justinian’s reign was a decree that pagans were not allowed to teach students." The article never disproves this fact, but attempts to explain it away with excuses, what-aboutisms, and distractions. What is your contention? That Christianity allowed pagans to teach?Here's what the source you provide says: "Among the rash of laws passed in the first decade of Justinian’s reign was a decree that pagans were not allowed to teach students." The article never disproves this fact, but attempts to explain it away with excuses, what-aboutisms, and distractions. What is your contention? That Christianity allowed pagans to teach? It shows the guy didn't even read the article the point of the article is not that Christian shut down pagan schools the point is they did not shut down the pagan academy of Plato that was destroyed by the Romans the Roman dictator sulan also to point out that pagan's school that was shut down wasn't even rational they practice s*** like neo gnosticism and magic it was nothing rational about that school and the reason why it was shut down is not because Christians hated knowledge it's because it was anti-christian and some of them killed Christians shows the clown didn't even read the article

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Hey I have a question do you know any good responses to this garbage video by Hunter abalone https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sxadiIUy-MY&pp=ygUmZGVidW5raW5nIEh1bnRlciBBdmFsb24gb24gYmxhY2sgY3JpbWU%3D

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Yea I would say the best response is that it’s garbage tbh. Such a weird video considering that, yes his original video was poorly constructed and argued, but it sounds like he’s not even refuting the points, just poking fun at his younger self.

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I recommend a book it's flat Earth and fake footnotes how the conflict these this was written into history or my favorite book or Galileo goes to jail another myths book Newton's Apple and other myths these books are great because they debunked the anti-christian

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Jun 4
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Hey I found a video climbing crime rates declined is that true https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yWgG3Mgn2Gc the claim that crime rates declined starts at the 10 minute and 21 second minute mark

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Interesting video. It's very well made propaganda, considering it shows that crime went down in 2023 from 2022, and then argues that means the statement "crime is on the rise" is false. Yet the graphs the video itself uses show that the 2022 crime rate is still higher than the rate of the preceding 3 or 4 years. The video outright lies by saying the statement "crime is on the rise" is not true. Lol yet they couch it in cutesy millennial "think for yourself objectivity." Very effect propo

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Jun 4
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I plan to write further on the practical considerations of this because it's a valid and necessary question. My initial short answer is that I do think that it's possible on the basis of a cooperation among the natural leaders of each respective group who also have a spirit of self-determination. We've seen these people in the past; Booker T. Washington is probably the best example. Unfortunately, the battle was lost against the other side leveraging black leaders that had an opposite spirit.

This is where a revitalization of self-government comes in. Your point that non-WASPs are generally less able to prioritize self-government is true in important respects. However, that simply means that it is all the more important to cultivate cooperation among those leaders within the respective groups with a natural spirit of self-determination. The Right is already doing this but towards the entirely counterproductive end-point of colorblind meritocracy divorced from the recognition of natural and organic differences that cannot (nor should) be whitewashed. We shouldn't "Kill the Indian, save the man" but help lift up the leaders of the various peoples to save their own as they have the natural inclination to.

Your point with Irish Caths and Jews is well-taken, but I proffer that if we are able to re-align our governing systems back to the Founding, then people will be better able to avoid cut-throat resource competition and instead prioritize mutually beneficial cooperation between respective groups. In other words, a pluralistic NYC is always going to devolve into a "Gangs of New York" type environment because of the City's structure within our centralized system leaves it no choice.

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Can you say more on this?

I think you might be referring to the immigration waves of the early 20th century – and one of the results of those being the establishment of a centralized education system that aimed to standaridize culture which led to a widespread de-WASP-ification of American history and governance.

But you also might be referring to more? Are you saying, in general, it has been proven that non-WASP groups are unable to fundamentally prioritize WASP interests – particularly their form of their own self-governance?

And therefore that WASPs can't rely on post-65-ers to take their side in a struggle over self-determination?

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