dog and pony show
dog and pony show's SPECTACLE OF DISSENT
Dissent.03—The Right's Failures, Heritage America, & ringleader's Backyard Nationalism w/ C.Jay Engel

Dissent.03—The Right's Failures, Heritage America, & ringleader's Backyard Nationalism w/ C.Jay Engel

Dearly beloved listener,

Welcome to Episode 3 of dog and pony show’s SPECTACLE OF DISSENT!

Our guest this week is

, self-professed Heritage American and Paleoconservative who writes here on Substack at , is active on X @contramordor, and hosts Chronicles Magazine’s podcast and .

I encourage anyone that considers themselves to be conservative, right-wing, or even broadly anti-establishment to subscribe to C.Jay, as he is putting out great additions to the conversation regarding America’s past, present, and future.

You do not want to miss this one. I had an excellent conversation with C.Jay that got into the thick of several compelling topics.

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Within the next month, I will have a very special guest for SPECTACLE OF DISSENT’S most ambitious, entertaining, and thought provoking episode yet. (i have no qualm in hyping this hard. the righteousness is going to be off the charts.)
You also will not want to miss my upcoming member exclusive series, ringleader’s (Extra)legal Guides for Dissidents where your favorite court jester will be providing you with detailed educational material on the veritable laughingstock that is the American legal system.

In Dissent.03, C.Jay and I discuss

  • C.Jay’s background

  • C.Jay’s primary interest in repudiating globohomo

  • American public polling in upper 60s% approval for mass deportations

  • Phrases like “the melting pot”

  • Definitions of America

  • Immigration is tailor made for party politicking & pandering

  • American Indians and Blacks have been harmed via mass immigration

  • America’s true nature of kindness is used against us

  • Heritage America has been kicked to the curb by “intellectuals”

  • Trump’s famous snake poem

  • Ringleader recalls Trump’s escalator ride and the H.W. Bush/Reagan primary debate trying to out-left one another on immigration

  • Reagan did incalculable damage to the conservative movement and right-wing in America

  • C.Jay describes the astro-turfed golem of the contemporary GOP acting as gatekeeper to prevent serious criticism of immigration, amnesty, et al.

  • Trump activated the silent and disillusioned Heritage American sleeper cell PATRIOT vote

  • Ringleader recalls a proto-boomer prof he had that caught UBER Trump Derangement Syndrome

  • C.Jay describes how Trump BROKE NPC brains, left and right

  • The 50-60 year cycle of American programming

  • Liberalism is now dead but people are operating as if it isn’t

  • NOW is the time to act

  • Claremont/West-Coast Straussians versus Paleo-conservatives

  • Paleos have been vindicated

  • What are the practical dynamics of seizing power, i.e., full utilization of the Executive state?

  • Is the concern for poor precedent valid?

  • Left plays a ZERO-SUM game—Right must obtain and maintain power

  • Once we steady the ship, is it possible for us to reorient towards the decentralization of the Founding again?

  • Deep state must be gutted regardless

  • Heritage America acting in concert at the local, grassroots level is path forward

  • Privatize civil society

  • I give a brief introduction to my Backyard Nationalism framework

  • C.Jay emphasizes the importance of local level political power

  • What ever happened to the Libertarian New Hampshire utopia project?

  • Organic culture is necessary

  • How do we Heritage Pill the public? What do the American people need?

  • The Zoomer Civil War between Groypers and TPUSA

  • The immense power of the Sheriff as a local elected official

  • Is Biden trying to foment Civil War?

  • The danger and desperation of the moment we’re in

  • Remarks on The Overton Window’s discussion of Heritage Americans featuring

    , , , and

  • Is a productive and friendly coalition between Heritage Americans and self-governing minded Second/Third Generation Americans possible?

  • fin

    SPECTACLE OF DISSENT will be back soon! Subscribe now so you don’t miss it!

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dog and pony show
dog and pony show's SPECTACLE OF DISSENT
Come one, come all! Welcome to dog and pony show's new podcast, SPECTACLE OF DISSENT, hosted by your favorite court jester, ringleader. Join me and my guests as we discuss everything under the sun and beyond, searching for what is true and beautiful in art, culture, religion, history, politics, & more.