dog and pony show
dog and pony show's SPECTACLE OF DISSENT
Dissent.05—Shuckin n' Jivin with Shazam Watkins

Dissent.05—Shuckin n' Jivin with Shazam Watkins

Homeschooling, Christianity, the Satanic Music Industry, Dissident Art, & much more

Dissent.05 is finally here. SPECTACLE OF DISSENT’s most ambitious episode yet with a run time of over 4 hours featuring very special guest, the best-selling artist, the fool’s bard, the warrior of Christ, Shazam Watkins himself!

If you’re familiar with Shazam you will not want to miss this. If you’ve never heard of Shazam you will not want to miss this. You say, “surely 4 hours of these two guys talking can’t be worth my time,but to the contrary, not a minute of this episode is fluff.

If you are a musician, tune in. 
If you are a writer, tune in.
If you are an artist of any kind, you ought to tune in.

If you value health, tune in.
If you are interested in homeschooling, tune in.
If you are anti-establishment of any stripe, you really ought to tune in.

If you are Christian, tune in.
If you are Atheist, tune in.
If you are Pagan, you most certainly ought to tune in.

It really was a privilege to sit down with Shazam for this conversation. He’s lived a really fascinating life and has an awesome testimony of his faith in Jesus and how God has worked and is working in his life.

Be sure to follow Shazam across the web:

Without further ado, Dissent.05 with Shazam Watkins:

  • Introduction—Shazam is a Tolkien character

  • Shazam’s vision as an artist—are his various artistic ventures interconnected?

  • Shazam starts at the beginning with growing up in a musical family as a PK “pastor’s kid”

  • Adventures in Odyssey FTW

  • Homeschool supremacy

  • Un-vaxxed young Shazam was healthier than all the vaxxed kids

  • Shazam reflects on his mother’s excellence as a homemaker and the importance of homemaking

  • Shazam’s maternal grandparents wanted his mom to be a feminist icon so they cut her off when she chose to build a family

  • What was it for his family to be interested in alternative health back when it was primarily left-wing coded?

  • Shazam’s ascension from the banality of politics

  • The harm of self-deification

  • The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom

  • Politics is a circle

  • “Judeo”-Christianity

  • “Yo Jamie, pull up who funded the Scoville Bible” Funnily enough, the wikipedia entry is now scrubbed of any reference to what I’m talking about. Thankfully, here’s a good article that provides more context: “The Scofield Bible—The Book That Made Zionists of America’s Evangelical Christians”

  • The changes in NIV

  • Quick interference from satanic Apple

  • Shazam’s (and my) love for the King James Version

  • Pastor Steven Anderson

  • I mention thinking he did a weird interracial bit before

  • But otherwise, very based

  • The reality that America was founded as a European country, would be better to remain a European country, but the potential futility of trying to make America an Ethnostate

  • America is not living for God

  • The current Church’s difficulty in dealing with the realities of race (the sanctification of MLK vis a vis the skewering of Doug Wilson for merely acknowledging ethnic differences)

  • The origin of America as an association of united States (hmmm.. almost as if..)

  • The tension for the conscious American Christian who wants to bring people to Christ but lives in a time when we are importing the entire world, including explicit enemies of Christ.

  • Is God a Nationalist?

  • America is no longer We the People but a principality of darkness

  • Trump is the man but what are his true motives? (TRUMP IS THE MAN)

  • Our only hope is Christ

  • Jews vs. Muslims

  • Obamna Moslem? Michael’s wang flopping on Ellen

  • Shazam doesn’t let politics hold any power over him

  • Raising righteous children is better than voting

  • The concentric spheres of purpose: God, family, community, state

  • Satanic programming

  • Art on the right can be BAD

  • I speak on how much Shazam’s book A Fool’s Renaissance resonated with me

  • The best art is Christian because the best art reflects God’s beautiful creation

  • AFR as a time capsule to that season of Shazam’s life

  • Shazam’s work making the audiobook for Mike Ma’s Harassment Architecture

  • Shazam reached out bc he didn’t want someone else to flub it

  • The HA audiobook got Shazam’s major label music career canceled

  • The portent of this happening immediately prior to COVID shutting down the whole music industry

  • What getting cancelled taught Shazam

  • The Fame Riot story

  • Humble beginnings but natural born talent destined them for success

  • The ins and outs, shadows and backdoors, of the music industry

  • Music industry is really just “banking” ;-)

  • The label wanted the band to push the globohomo agenda

  • The industry’s turning of Christian artists like Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, et al.

  • You can make money making music outside of the industry

  • Shazam’s real name is Jonah Goldstein, everybody

  • They always make you kiss the **** to achieve next level fame

  • Drake’s pizza orders in the studio are expensive

  • Is Swift a witch? My wife thinks so!


  • Shout out Hallowed Beats! —>

  • We should always be open to what God wants to give us

  • The fulfillment of creation

  • ~~~~~piss break intermission~~~~~

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dog and pony show
dog and pony show's SPECTACLE OF DISSENT
Come one, come all! Welcome to dog and pony show's new podcast, SPECTACLE OF DISSENT, hosted by your favorite court jester, ringleader. Join me and my guests as we discuss everything under the sun and beyond, searching for what is true and beautiful in art, culture, religion, history, politics, & more.